Home Must-Haves for Pet Owners

Posted by Parks Real Estate on Friday, July 9th, 2021 at 12:00pm.

Most pet owners count our pets as an important part of the family. Thus, it makes sense to consider their needs when purchasing or remodeling our homes. Today, we’re sharing our top 12 home must-haves for pet owners. If you want your home to be safe, fun, convenient, and durable for your furry companion, the following recommended essentials are a great place to start!

Bathing Station

Bathing your cat or dog is probably not your favorite part of pet ownership. However, by installing (or shopping for a home that includes) a dedicated pet bathing station, you can make this task much more manageable.

Typically, a pet bathing station is located in a mudroom, laundry room, or dedicated grooming room off the kitchen. Pet showers are elevated, usually measure 5 square feet, and feature a detachable, handheld showerhead.

The base of a pet bathing station should be nonslip, while the walls should be tile or fiberglass to resist the heavy water exposure they’re likely to experience. 

If your home will feature a dedicated grooming room, consider installing cabinetry to store your pet’s food, grooming supplies, extra toys, and essentials like flea, tick, and heartworm preventives. 

Feeding Station

A built-in feeding station will prevent spills and keep you from tripping over food and water bowls. Feeding stations often incorporate a cabinet or drawer for food and treats and give pets an easier eating experience by raising the dishes off the floor.

Whether you choose a free-standing model or integrate a deluxe model into your cabinetry, a feeding station will keep your kitchen tidy and beautiful in addition to giving your pet a secure, comfortable place to dine. 

Electronically Locking Pet Door

Electronic pet doors allow your pet’s collar or microchip to unlock them, providing secure access to the outdoors when you’re away, asleep, or otherwise unavailable. These innovative pet access doors are ideal for keeping other animals and intruders out without sacrificing your convenience.

Built-In Pet Gates

If you want to limit your pet’s access to parts of your home but don’t love the look of a house peppered with baby gates, a built-in gate is an excellent compromise. Half-doors and swinging gates can be customized to suit your home’s design aesthetic, making them a solution that will endure indefinitely.

Built-In Pet Bed

We love our pets, and they love their big, comfy, squishy beds. Give your pet a secure sleeping spot by choosing a built-in pet bed! Your pet will enjoy the den-like comfort, and you’ll enjoy a living room, entertainment room, or office space that stays tidy and sports maximized floor space.

Hidden Litter Box

We may be cat lovers, but let’s be honest: no one loves a litter box. Fortunately, today’s litter boxes can be discreetly tucked away within furniture, faux plants, or built-in cabinets that feature sliding litter holders. 

If possible, it’s ideal to relegate the litter box to the bathroom; the fan will be essential for whisking away unpleasant odors.

Catwalk Structures

Indoor cats need exercise and stimulation, which is why catwalk play structures are gaining massive popularity among cat owners. Ranging from deluxe custom built-ins to easy DIY shelves, catwalks are elevated structures that give cats “stepping stones” to use as they wander throughout the home. 

If you plan to resell your home, it’s best to stick to structures that minimally alter the space. When you put your home on the market, you’ll be glad you chose pieces that are easy to remove and reinstall in your new home.

Easy-to-Clean, Durable Flooring

For most homeowners who have pets, carpeted floors are a losing proposition. They hold onto fur and dander, are prone to staining from muddy paws, and make cleaning up after accidents or illnesses a chore.

Instead, consider durable hardwood or manufactured wood-like floors. While modern floors are scratch-resistant, you can opt for a distressed or very matte finish if your pet is especially large; these options will stay beautiful, even after years of wear and tear from your pet.

Allergen-Trapping Air Filtration

Whether you’re mildly allergic to your pet, or sensitive to the outdoor allergens that hop a ride inside on their coat, an allergen-specific air filter can work wonders. Choose from freestanding air filtration devices or a high-micron (0.3 is ideal) HEPA filter for your central air system; either way, the air quality for both you and your pet will be improved.

Enclosed Patio

If you want your pet to be able to spend time outside without the danger of them wandering too far and getting lost, an enclosed patio or porch can be a perfect compromise. This design will give your pet the stimulation and sunlight they crave without sacrificing their safety.

Nonslip Ramps

For aging dogs, navigating stairs can be difficult, painful, and dangerous. Nonslip pet ramps will ensure that your senior dog can head outdoors safely, even in rainy or snowy weather. 

Fence Viewing Port 

If you have a curious pooch who just wants to watch the world walk by, install a viewing port in your fence. Choose a fiberglass window, chain-link “screen,” or hinged fence flap; whichever you choose, your dog will love the added interaction with your neighborhood’s activity. In fact, allowing your dog to see what’s going on around him will likely reduce stress and mitigate barking. 

Pet Cameras

Even if you’re fortunate enough to work from home, there are going to be times when you are separated from your pet. It’s understandable that most of us want to keep an eye on our pets at all times, which is why interactive pet cameras are increasing in popularity among homeowners. 

These systems will let you check in on your pet, say hello, offer a treat, and for cats, laser pointer play is also available! While heading out of the house is non-negotiable, feeling distant from your pet doesn’t have to be. 

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